102 research outputs found

    Imitation of ultra-sharp light focusing within turbid tissue-like scattering medium by using time-independent Helmholtz equation and method Monte Carlo

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    Based on time-independent Helmholtz equation and its solution in frame of inhomogeneous approximation a hybrid computational method for imitation of propagation of bounded laser beam focused into biological tissue is introduced. The biological tissue is simulated as a semi-infinite randomly inhomogeneous medium. The developed approach is intended to model laser beams in the super-sharp focusing mode. The results of modeling of laser light focusing into the turbid tissue-like scattering medium with lenses of various shapes are presented

    Selectivity of stop codon recognition in translation termination is modulated by multiple conformations of GTS loop in eRF1

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    Translation termination in eukaryotes is catalyzed by two release factors eRF1 and eRF3 in a cooperative manner. The precise mechanism of stop codon discrimination by eRF1 remains obscure, hindering drug development targeting aberrations at translation termination. By solving the solution structures of the wild-type N-domain of human eRF1 exhibited omnipotent specificity, i.e. recognition of all three stop codons, and its unipotent mutant with UGA-only specificity, we found the conserved GTS loop adopting alternate conformations. We propose that structural variability in the GTS loop may underline the switching between omnipotency and unipotency of eRF1, implying the direct access of the GTS loop to the stop codon. To explore such feasibility, we positioned N-domain in a pre-termination ribosomal complex using the binding interface between N-domain and model RNA oligonucleotides mimicking Helix 44 of 18S rRNA. NMR analysis revealed that those duplex RNA containing 2-nt internal loops interact specifically with helix α1 of N-domain, and displace C-domain from a non-covalent complex of N-domain and C-domain, suggesting domain rearrangement in eRF1 that accompanies N-domain accommodation into the ribosomal A site

    The Norm Implementation Problem in Normative Multi-Agent Systems

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    Abstract. The norm implementation problem consists in how to see to it that the agents in a system comply with the norms specified for that system by the system designer. It is part of the more general problem of how to synthesize or create norms for multi-agent systems, by, for example, highlighting the choice between regimentation and enforcement, or the punishment associated with a norm violation. In this paper we discuss how various ways to implement norms in a multi-agent system can be distinguished in a formal game-theoretic framework. In particular, we show how different types of norm implementation can all be uniformly specified and verified as types of transformations of extensive games. We introduce the notion of retarded preconditions to implement norms, and we illustrate the framework and the various ways to implement norms in the blocks world environment

    Positioning of subdomain IIId and apical loop of domain II of the hepatitis C IRES on the human 40S ribosome

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    The 5′-untranslated region of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA contains a highly structured motif called IRES (Internal Ribosome Entry Site) responsible for the cap-independent initiation of the viral RNA translation. At first, the IRES binds to the 40S subunit without any initiation factors so that the initiation AUG codon falls into the P site. Here using an original site-directed cross-linking strategy, we identified 40S subunit components neighboring subdomain IIId, which is critical for HCV IRES binding to the subunit, and apical loop of domain II, which was suggested to contact the 40S subunit from data on cryo-electron microscopy of ribosomal complexes containing the HCV IRES. HCV IRES derivatives that bear a photoactivatable group at nucleotide A275 or at G263 in subdomain IIId cross-link to ribosomal proteins S3a, S14 and S16, and HCV IRES derivatized at the C83 in the apex of domain II cross-link to proteins S14 and S16


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    Zirconium oxide is a hypoallergenic material. A process for manufacturing samples of dental crowns by CAD/CAM technology from yttria-stabilized zirconia ceramic blanks was developed. Concentration of impurity elements such as aluminum, iron, magnesium in the raw material powder should not exceed 510'3, MO'2 and MO"3 wt.%, respectively. Higher concentration of impurities in the aggregate result in a dramatic reduction in transparency and darkening of the product


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    Measurement of metabolic processes in lymphocytes in Varicella zoster infection showed highly increased intercellular glycolisys activity with functional cellular overload. Same time, we discovered decreased level of intensivity of first stages of TCC, that rules to lower cycle energetic efficiency and intense metabolitsaminoacides intake for TCC, guiding to high aminoacides transport to lymphocytes. Usage of succinic acid and its salts gives more substrates for TCC, increasing its energetic efficiency and lymphocytes functional activity.Оценка характера и интенсивности метаболических процессов в лимфоцитах больных ветряной оспой по изменениям активности внутриклеточных ферментов показала, что в разгар заболевания отмечена интенсификация реакций гликолиза при значительном повышении функциональной нагрузки на клетки, происходит значительное снижение интенсивности реакций начального этапа ЦТК, что должно уменьшать энергетическую эффективность цикла, а также интенсивное поступление метаболитов на снабжение ЦТК субстратами с аминокислотного обмена, обеспечивая повышенный транспорт аминокислот в лимфоциты. Применение препаратов янтарной кислоты или ее солей дает дополнительное субстратное насыщение ЦТК, повышая энергоэффективность цикла и функциональные возможности лимфоцитов


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    Jedno od značenja izraza ‘učinkovitost’ odnosi se na činjenicu da se adresati pravnih normi stvarno ponašaju onako kako to od njih zahtijevaju pravne norme. To se značenje izraza obično koristi u filozofskopravnim raspravama glede toga je li učinkovitost bitan element pojma prava. Prema pravnom pozitivizmu, učinkovitost je u nekim slučajevima i na određene načine uvjet važenja (vrijeđenja) pravnih normi i pravnih sustava. S druge strane, pravni je realizam sklon potpunom poistovjećivanju pravnog važenja s učinkovitosti ili njegovu svođenju na učinkovitost. Prema tome, u oba je filozofskopravna pravca učinkovitost u pravilu uključena u oblikovanje njihovih pojmova prava. Međutim, dok pravnopozitivističko shvaćanje ne utječe na najuobičajenije značenje važenja pravne norme (pripadanje pravne norme pravnom sustavu), a utvrđivanjem učinkovitosti kao kriterija postojanja pravnog sustava ne dodaje mnogo objašnjenju pojma prava, pravnorealističko se shvaćanje suočava s ozbiljnim prigovorima glede svoje objašnjavalačke prikladnosti.One of the senses of the term ‘efficacy’ refers to the fact that norm-addresses actually behave as is required of them by legal norms. This sense of the term is one which is generally used within the jurisprudential discussions about whether efficacy is the essential element of the concept of law. According to legal positivism, efficacy is in some cases and in certain ways the condition of legal validity of both legal norms and legal systems. On the other hand, legal realism tends to entirely identify legal validity or reduce it to efficacy. Thus, in both jurisprudential approaches, efficacy tends to play a role in shaping their respective concepts of law. However, while the legal positivistic view does not affect the most standard sense of legal validity of the legal norm (i.e. the legal norms’ membership in the legal system), and does not add much to the explanation of the concept of law by identifying efficacy as the criterion of legal systems’ existence, the legal realistic view is faced with some serious objections regarding its explanatory adequacy

    Unlocking legal validity. Some remarks on the artificial ontology of law

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    Following Kelsen’s influential theory of law, the concept of validity has been used in the literature to refer to different properties of law (such as existence, membership, bindingness, and more) and so it is inherently ambiguous. More importantly, Kelsen’s equivalence between the existence and the validity of law prevents us from accounting satisfactorily for relevant aspects of our current legal practices, such as the phenomenon of ‘unlawful law’. This chapter addresses this ambiguity to argue that the most important function of the concept of validity is constituting the complex ontological paradigm of modern law as an institutional-normative practice. In this sense validity is an artificial ontological status that supervenes on that of existence of legal norms, thus allowing law to regulate its own creation and creating the logical space for the occurrence of ‘unlawful law’. This function, I argue in the last part, is crucial to understanding the relationship between the ontological and epistemic dimensions of the objectivity of law. For given the necessary practice-independence of legal norms, it is the epistemic accessibility of their creation that enables the law to fulfill its general action-guiding (and thus coordinating) function